Dell Poweredge SC 1420 workstation Server Xeon 2.8GHz CPU 2GB RAM 160gb

Dell Poweredge SC 1420 workstation Server Xeon 2.8GHz CPU 2GB RAM 160gb
Dell Poweredge SC 1420 workstation Server Xeon 2.8GHz CPU 2GB RAM 160gb
Dell Poweredge SC 1420 workstation Server Xeon 2.8GHz CPU 2GB RAM 160gb

Dell Poweredge SC 1420 workstation Server Xeon 2.8GHz CPU 2GB RAM 160gb

Dell SC 1420 work station Server Xeon 2.8GHz 2GB RAM 160gb hard drive. Dell SC 1420 work station Xeon 2.8GHz or higher, 2GB RAM 250gb. Used, tested working in order. Sellers are not responsible for service transit time.

Transit times are provided by the carrier, exclude weekends and holidays, and may vary with package origin and destination, particularly during peak periods. If the product received is not as advertised, a replacement will be issued. We are not responsible for item incompatibility.

Dell Poweredge SC 1420 workstation Server Xeon 2.8GHz CPU 2GB RAM 160gb

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